Tuesday, June 2, 2009


So, after a gap of nearly one and half years, I am publishing a new post.

When I started blogging 4 years back, I was crazy about it. May be it was because my friends were blogging or may be it was because it was because. But then slowly the excitement evaporated and then I completely stopped blogging. I, somehow convinced myself blogging was not my thing, though, I still followed the blogs by my friends.

So, Why now? What changed? The answer is 'I don't know'

It can be just out of frustration or it can be just that unexplainable feeling that you feel inside you - something odd inside you, something churning inside your stomach.
And why do I feel that way? Again, 'I don't know'

I just needed someone to vent out my feelings to and this blog is just that. Nothing more, nothing less.

And, Aditya, this one is for you:

May be you never thought I would say this. In fact, I never thought I would say this to you, but yeah, I will miss you like hell. You were so irritating with your pot belly, with your loud yawning and louder sneezing and I am gonna miss everything of it. You have been with me for five years and now it won't be the same with you. But, as they say, this too shall pass.

All the best, dude :)
You deserve every bit of it, and in fact, much more.